Mittwoch, 8. Februar 2012

How it all started... / Wie alles begann...

It all began with me looking for the perfect calendar (once again). I embark on this journey at least twice a year: somewhen at the end of the year and at the end of the academic year. I was also looking for a better time-management-system as I am prone to procrastinating. Big time! (Isn't writing a blog another way of procrastination?)

Anyways, I did some research and found out about GTD (Getting Things Done). I decided to download the book to my Kindle and had a look at some pretty cool calendar templates. And from there I found a couple of blogs about Filofax and then I went to have a look at the website. Big mistake.

I spent the next 3-5 days (I don't remember exactly, it all seems so far away already) searching for an affordable Filofax that I thought I'd actually use longer than just a couple of days. I found the Domino A5. I bought it. I used it. I bought a couple of great additions to it. I fell in love.

By now, about 8 weeks after my initial purchase, I am the proud owner of 9 filofaxes. And yes, this pretty much defines me. I go after stuff I like and sometimes I go a little crazy over it.

Es begann damit, dass ich (mal wieder) nach einem neuen Kalender gesucht habe. Das passiert mir mindestens zweimal im Jahr: So gegen Ende November, Anfang Dezember und ungefähr im Juli, wenn das Schuljahr sich dem Ende zuneigt. 
Außer einem neuen Kalender musste ein neues Zeitmanagement-System her. Ich neige zur Prokrastination. Big time! 
Jedenfalls surfte ich durch das Netz und fand "Getting Things Done" (GTD), ein Buch, welches ich mir sofort auf mein Kindle lud. Passenderweise fand ich GTD-Kalendervorlagen zum Selberdrucken. Und ein Blog über Filofax. Das wollte recherchiert werden und so fand ich mich die nächsten 3-5 Tage in einem Filo-Nebel, aus dem ich herausfand, als ich mich für einen erschwinglichen Filo (den Domino A5) entschieden hatte. Ich kaufte ihn. Und ein paar zusätzliche Einlagen. Es war Liebe auf den ersten Blick.

Seit ca. 8 Wochen nutze ich also täglich einen meiner inzwischen 9 Filos. Ja, das ist etwas verrückt. Aber so bin ich nunmal.

8 Kommentare:

  1. That is funny! I too am new to Filofax. I also spent weeks reading blogs and searching for the perfect one (i couldnt find ONE perfect one but many perfect ones).
    The first purchase took forever to arrive and in between I bought some other ones so they ended up all arriving in a month period. After 2 months I had 7 Filofaxes! LOL So yeah, I totally understand you! :)

    1. Isn't it addictive? ;) I'm checking out your blog right now! Thank you for reading and commenting! Stay tuned, next post is up for in a couple of minutes :).

    2. Haha, and I just read your very first post, it sounds quite like the one I have scheduled for 12 o'clock (but wrote the day before yesterday, way before reading yours)!

  2. Hi Anke! Also hopping over from Philofaxy. Do you have pictures of your 9 filofaxes? Are they all A5 size?
    Looking forward to future posts about your inserts and setup!

    1. Hi Jotje,

      no, they're not all A5 size, though I kinda wish they were. I got some good deals of eBay and thought I'd try other sizes as well. The only other size that works for me really is Personal, but only as a private calendar (it is now my blog calendar), not for work. I will take pics and write reviews of all of the Filos sooner or later ;) First one coming up in a couple of minutes, though it doesn't include set-up or pics yet.

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  3. Oh dear, this sounds like me, too. From one to six FFs in a month. It's kind of reassuring to know I am not the only one who does this!

    1. Makes me feel so much better, knowing there are others suffering from the same addiction ;)

  4. Oh my, that sounds like what happened to me... Although I'm still within my second month of using the Filofax (I purchased an A5 Finsbury in Antique Rose) and I haven't purchased any other FF yet (though I'm seriously considering a Personal Baroque as a wallet).
